BEHOLD! (A show about touch)
Curated by Sasha Galitzine
With Graham Little
With mediation by Harshadha Balasubramanian, Joe Rizzo Naudi, Genevieve Reeves and Kyle Berlin.
Participating artists: Conor Ackhurst, Kai Althoff, Jorella Andrews, Louise Ashcroft, Amelia Barratt, Gareth Cadwallader, Nicole Clif, Mosquito Farm, Keith Farquhar, Allegra Fitzherbert, Kira Freije, Andy Holden, Alastair Kwan, Graham Little, Sara Marinangeli, Rebecca Moss, Paul Noble, Nicholas Pope, Hans Rosenström, Hermione Spriggs, Georgina Starr, Jack Warne, Richard Wentworth.
Live performances by, Amelia Barratt, Louise Ashcroft & Nicole Clif.
Workshops and parallel programme by: Jessica Booth, Molly Moon, Allegra Shorto, Tamara Colchester, Genevieve Reeves & Bat Choir.
In collaboration with both blind and sighted collaborators we developed a multi-sensory mediation which we employed to guide people’s experiences of the exhibition. The exhibition was a live site of enquiry which responded to the needs and ideas of participants throughout the exhibition’s run.
We wonder if you are also thinking that, sometimes exhibitions are a bit distant from your body, closed off, in a musty cupboard…
BEHOLD reaches beyond the visual to activate our other senses and embrace the pleasures and problems of our physical interaction with the world. It seeks to reframe access to art by disrupting the hierarchy of sensory perception.
We encourage you to behold the artworks through our collaborative multi-sensory mediation menu, designed by artists, writers and academics who identify as blind, visually impaired or sighted. (The menu is available and as part of a free group tour at 1-2pm & 5.30-6.30pm daily.)
“How many dust particles are stuck to your shoe soles that weren’t there when you came in?” “Do you feel slightly too warm in the clothes you’re wearing?”
“What are you going to hear once you’re out of the gallery and back on the pavement?”
BEHOLD is a live inquiry that listens and responds with the aim of reaching anyone who has ever felt excluded from the arts.
(UN)PRIVATE VIEW/FEEL Wednesday 22nd February 6-9pm
Hypha Studios, 56-60 Conduit St, London W1S 2YZ
Exhibition, Thursday 23rd February — 16th March 2023
We developed and commissioned a series of touch-sensitive workshops (all free of charge) and programmes to run parallel to the show.
4TH: 11 AM - 1 PM:
Inspired by the season, a contemporary tactile floral installation with Jessie Booth
7TH: 6 - 7.30 PM:
Genevieve Reeves’ physical embodiment of BEHOLD
5.30 - 7 PM:
Dreamwork, Exploratory Waking Dreams with Allegra Shorto
7.30 - 9 PM:
Tamara Colchester & Plant Listening: A wild tea workshop to sharpen the ears and open the heart
Listening to Artworks Event: With Harsha Balasubramania & Hermione Spriggs.
Morning listening session:
Experiments with sticks + scores
Afternoon listening session:
Echolocation workshop with the Bat Choir (voices from Echo Vocal Ensemble) with by Sarah Latto.
6.30 - 8.30 PM: BEHOLD, ECHO: An Evening of Echolocation.
11TH: 6 - 7.30 PM:
Make your own products out of plants and waste materials with Molly Moon
BEHOLD, A Performance Evening:
6 - 7 PM: Nicole Clif
Rubber in my Mouth, 2022
7 PM: Mosquito Farm Involuntary Rehearsal
7.30 PM Louise Ashcroft Interactive storytelling performance Scavenger Coat
8 PM: Amelia Barratt A piece of Glass
15TH: 7 - 8 PM:
Perception: Joe Rizzo Naudi in conversation with Richard Wentworth
Keep in touch: @behold.show @sashagalitzine SashaGalitzine@gmail.com
For press enquiries please contact: sashagalitzine@gmail.com
***Participating Artists*** & Special Support & thanks to:
Conor Ackhurst, Kai Althoff, Jorella Andrews, Louise Ashcroft, Amelia Barratt, Gareth Cadwallader, Nicole Clif, Mosquito Farm, Keith Farquhar, Allegra Fitzherbert, Kira Freije, Andy Holden, Alastair Kwan, Graham Little, Sara Marinangeli, Rebecca Moss, Paul Noble, Nicholas Pope, Hans Rosenström, Hermione Spriggs, Georgina Starr, Jack Warne, Richard Wentworth.
With thanks to our assistants Emma Sielaff, Mya Porton, Nova Mallock, Pascal Pearce & Arthur Prior-Palmer
and special thanks to Conor Ackhurst, Jasmin Chohan, Allegra Fitzherbert, Konky & Nadia Galitzine, Anna Gaskell, Sara Mariangelli.
The exhibition is made possible by Hypha Studios and kind support from Regents Street W1 and The Crown Estate. Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. With thanks to the generous support of Charles Asprey, the Alexander Pigott Wernher Memorial Trust, Marina Lund and Lockton Companies LLP, Fine Art Insurance brokers and to Dima’s Vodka, a Ukrainian vodka producer.